Socially Produced

Thinking about our cultural context, one cultural token at a time.

Archive for the ‘Explanations and Such’ Category

Introductions and Such

with 2 comments

I'm Being Influenced! AAAH!


My name is Ferny. It’s quite simple. I would tell more about myself, but that would sort of miss the point.  As a sort of introduction, I’ll merely relate what this blog is going to be about: sort of me, but only in the most mundane way possible – as a data point.

The most fascinating part of human beings is their fundamental social nature. The construction of tastes, culture, memory and representation is a process that never ceases. We are our experiences, at our most base. Thus, there’s a big hole out there – why am I me?

The blog name, Socially Produced, tackles this issue head on. The blog, its author and the concoction of mildly grammaticality incorrect content is all a much wider product that has seemingly little design, except that it’s widely influenced by the most mundane of realities. The tag line is this acknowledgement taken to a somewhat humerous level – the ability to blame everything about yourself on something not quite controlled by you.

I don’t plan on bemoaning the lack of agency or theorizing about it. We’re created, but we help create others, and this doesn’t mean that we can’t consciously affect the attempts at creation themselves.

So this project will largely be about that.

Though there will be other pet issues, because, well, I like to talk about other stuff, though I will attempt to put it through that prism.

Here are four other issues that will largely come up:

1. Harry Potter fanfiction
2. Political Debauchery
3. Sports, Sports and More.
4. Education Policy and Politics

I hope to not bore anyone. I won’t be posting every day, though I have a vague goal of at least every other day.

Welcome aboard!

Written by Ferny Reyes

April 22, 2011 at 9:10 pm